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Author Topic: Minister for DOL resigns - any chance Minister Williamson might do the same?  (Read 3183 times)

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Offline Jaxcat

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I see Kate Wilkinson has resigned due to shortcomings by DOL under her watch (although she kept her other portfolios and her salary doesn't go down) - any chance that Minister Williamson might do the "honorable" thing and resign as well given all the cock ups the PGDB have made under his watch? 

Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline Badger

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An industry that has had deregulation, overseen by people who have vested interests, ignoring warnings from the front line people, stopped using inspectors, money placed before doing the right thing.........ring any bells.
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Offline Enn

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one big Pike River bell.
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Offline ConcernedPGD

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Its a bit disappointing that you have made reference to the Minister resigning over one of the biggest disaters in this country, to the PGDB poor showing and trying to make a comparision between the two. Please people have a little bit of respect for the families that have lost their loved ones around this.

The Minister of DOL stood down after the damaging report from the royal commission. this was the honourable  thing to do, however there was major failings by previous ministers that have gone un-reported. In our case, yes the minister is responsible and efforst need to be taken to improve the industry. however the comparision between the two really disappoints me!!!!

Offline Jaxcat

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In no way do I feel that I have slighted any of the families involved in the Pike River accident, and if it has been taken that way then I sincerely apologise. 

The Minister resigned becasue it was the honourable thing to do.  There were years of mismanagement that led to that tragedy.  There has been at least a decade of very bad mismanagement that has led to the state that the PGD industry is in now.  There hve also been reports from government agencies around the governance of the PGD industries too - damning as well.  The point I attempted to make, and obviously I did it badly, was the our Minister has overseen reports and complaints and people pointing out what the potential problems are to the public and to industry - and nothing has changed, in fact in many cases it has worsened.  In the end, as a Minister, he is responsible - and on his watch things have gone very, very pear shaped.  It would be, in my opinion, honourable for him to resign.

Offline Badger

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We have already had a near fatal explosion, before Pyke River, which was covered by a faulty gas cert, a cert accepted by the Board and then covered up and not investigated properly.....are we to wait until we have our own disaster with innocents loosing their lives before we speak out?

I personally think it does more for the memory of these lost souls to highlight the attitudes and shortcomings BEFORE we have another situation, I have always found Jaxcat to have a very fair and balanced view and I am sure she did not have anything but the upmost respect and best intentions for her comment....I say good on you Jax.

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