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Author Topic: Applying directly to companies vs ATT?  (Read 9788 times)

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Offline AsianMuffin

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Applying directly to companies vs ATT?
« on: May 25, 2017, 04:31:47 PM »
Hi All,

I'm a commerce grad, a couple of years in a multinational that's looking for a bit of a career change (after some thought about what I really want to do for the next 30-40 years)

Hope this is the right place to ask this question:

Is it better to apply directly to companies for an apprenticeship, or should I go through a place like ATT or Masterlink?

I've so far applied to about 15 companies, with almost all of them not looking to take on apprentices. Some of them suggested going through ATT, but I understand it's better (financially) for all parties if I apply direct?


Offline Jaxcat

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Re: Applying directly to companies vs ATT?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2017, 09:51:41 PM »

It will depend on the size of the company.  We employ apprentices direct as we have over 25 staff and so the additional work with wages and ACC etc is minimal.  Smaller companies like to go through ATT or Masterlink as it takes care of some of the paperwork and also when you are on Annual Leave, Sick or at Block Course Masterlink hosts don't have to pay Masterlink (although you would still get paid).

We've had several change of life apprentices like yourself coming in at anywhere from late twenties to early forties.  I always find these types of employees great as they have a bit of life experience and are often raring to go as apprentices.  My advice is to visit local reputable plumbing merchants and ask if you can put a one page CV up in the smoko room.  Often employers will want you to have done a pre-trade as then you at least are familiar with terms and tools - but keep door knocking.

Do a bit of research with Masterlink and ATT and see what they offer you as an apprentice - this can be more advantageous to you as I believe they will often pick up the tab for the training costs where direct apprentices often have to pay these costs themselves.  Let us know how you get on.
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Offline AsianMuffin

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Re: Applying directly to companies vs ATT?
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2017, 11:33:38 PM »
Thanks for the reply. I've recently applied to ATT and Masterlink.

So far have door knocked on 40 Auckland plumbers- almost all of them are looking for licensed plumbers, none of them are looking for a new apprentice :(

May have to start looking in other cities...

Will also try handing CVs out to plumbing merchants. Thanks :)

Offline robbo

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Re: Applying directly to companies vs ATT?
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2017, 10:50:46 AM »
hi, I know a couple of tradesmen who first got a job at Mico Plumbing and who were later offered apprenticeships by good companies, you would be in the right place to get to know people in the trade and also would learn all the fittings and pipes that are used in the trade, good luck, cheers   

Offline AsianMuffin

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Re: Applying directly to companies vs ATT?
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2017, 07:27:11 PM »
Hi Robbo,

Thanks for the advice, will certainly consider that angle.

As of this evening I've contacted almost 60 plumbing companies in Auckland. Masterlink even mentioned they won't take me on as I've never had any 'experience' and 'might be unsure if I want to be a plumber'.

A little frustrated as I really don't know how to show how keen I am. Might even take a drive down to Hamilton to start door knocking there.

Always thought the whole circle of 'need experience to get experience' was only prevalent in the accounting world  :-X

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